If you don't yet have a CommerceHQ account you can sign up for a free trial here:ย
Here's how you can connect your CommerceHQ store to Dropified:
1. Visit your Stores page and click Add Store: https://app.dropified.com/
2. Choose CommerceHQ and click Continue
3. Within your CHQ Admin, click Dashboard > All Tools > Apps > Apps Store
4. Click Add a Private App
5. Enter an app name "Dropified App" and enable Full Access for all options and click Add the Private App:
5. For the new installed App, click Settings.
6. Copy the store URL, API Key and API Password by highlighting each > right click then select copy.
7. Paste each information to the fields in Dropified.
7. Click Add Store and you are done!
You can watch a video demonstration of this here:ย