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Highlighted Orders in Dropified Tracking Page
Highlighted Orders in Dropified Tracking Page
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Written by Team
Updated over 12 months ago

The highlight is usually used to notify you about that specific order on the Tracking page, it could be with or without a memo.

Highlighted Orders Without a Memo

It is highlighted in red as a notification because you enabled the feature to be notified of a delayed tracking number from the bottom of Dropified's Order Settings.

Highlighted Orders With a Memo

This usually means there is a difference between the order in the store and the order placed on AliExpress (like a difference in address). You can hover over the color orange memo to see some information about the reason why it's highlighted.

For example -- where it says "Customer Name, City, Country" in orange -- those are the potential conflicts Dropified is highlighting.

So basically, it's just a warning. It usually happens because AliExpress doesn't match exactly what the user entered through your store. In most cases, customers who order the item put different recipient names and shipping addresses.

You can then view the order on AliExpress to check if it is okay. If you see that there is some conflict, you can correct it by canceling the order in AliExpress before submitting the payment. If it seems to be fine, you can disregard it.

Common Question: How can I take it off?

Unfortunately, there isn't a way to remove the highlighting. Dropified uses this feature to notify you about any differences between your store's information and AliExpress.
To ensure a smooth process, make sure the shipping address entered by the customer on your store matches the one on AliExpress. If the addresses match, you can leave it as it is, as the order will still be delivered to your customer.
By understanding the purpose of highlighted orders and taking the necessary steps to review and address any conflicts, you can ensure a smooth order fulfillment process and maintain customer satisfaction.

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