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Quick Order Estimated Shipping Cost
Kevin avatar
Written by Kevin
Updated over a year ago

Dropified shows estimates of the shipping total when you use the Quick Order feature via the AliExpress API. You can see the estimates in the Quick Queue panel based on the line items in the order.

Shipping Total Estimates on Dropified

In the Quick Queue panel, we will always show you the maximum potential shipping total. For example, if you are ordering 2 variants from the same supplier, we will show you the shipping price times 2.

Some suppliers might combine the items in the order and charge you 1 shipping fee, but there are suppliers that will charge you shipping for each item separately.

In order to ensure our users don't get surprised with shipping totals they don't understand, we explain it clearly here.

Here is an example of an order that contains 2 variants from the same supplier.

In the Dropified Quick Queue panel, we show the shipping cost of both items separately, as well as a total combined shipping estimate at the bottom.
This estimate does not take into account of any discounts that the supplier might offer for combined shipping.

Dropified will always show the maximum potential shipping total based on the individual shipping amount of each line item.

In this example, the shipping fee for each item is $4.25 USD for a combined total estimate of $8.50.

After placing the order, you can check the AliExpress Order Details page to see the actual total amount.

In this example, you can see that the supplier has a discount for combined shipping which brings the shipping total to $6.27 USD instead of $8.50. You can see a tax amount that is also not accounted for in the estimate.

It is a good idea to always check the Order Details in AliExpress prior to paying the order.

If all is good, you can proceed with submitting payment to process the order.

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